Environmental Education at Humber Bridge Country Park
Ever since the opening of Humber Bridge Country Park in 1986, East Riding of Yorkshire Council (and its predecessor: Humberside County Council) have worked with local schools to deliver environmental education. However, it was in 2002, with the designation of ten Local Nature Reserves and the receipt of National Lottery funding through English Nature’s Big Lottery Funded Wildspace! scheme that allowed us to expand and promote our work to schools and youth groups that we never had the chance to work with in the past, and try out many new ideas.
An Education Pack has been produced. It covers a broad range of activities that can be undertaken by schools or youth groups independently at Local Nature Reserves, or accompanied by one of our Countryside Access Officers. These activities include making camouflage masks, looking for minibeasts and learning about habitats.
If you would be interested in obtaining an Education Pack, please contact us. Packs are free to East Riding schools and council-run Youth Centres. To other organisations, packs cost £25.
If you would like a Countryside Access Officer to lead or support your visit to Humber Bridge County Park, or any other Local Nature Reserve in the East Riding, please contact us. |
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